
Jan 26 - Feb 24, 2019
Curated by Graham Feyl

Anna’s, Chicago, IL

In the age in which “things” permeate our lives, and some would even say control, it is not far off to claim that inanimate objects are very much alive. Objects may not inhale the smell of the earth after it has just rained like us, may not laugh with friends over coffee like us, may not understand the tumultuous political era that we are in like us, but they do form a part of us and become an essential force. object / item / material / me came from the idea that, while objects, items, and materials are inanimate, they have a vitality that is an ingrained aspect of the human ecology. This exhibition brings together eight artists who each bring forward the dialog that is happening between objects and humans – how each artist finds their own relationship to the objects they work with, how the objects come to embody a moment/ a history/ an experience/ a meaning for them, and how this relationship manifests into an artistic practice. It is about exploring connection. It is about dissecting the critical moment when an object stops being an inanimate piece of matter and becomes an integral for an individual.

Julie Arredondo
Fontaine Capel
Megan Cline
Kimberly English
River Ian Kerstetter
Janelle Miller
Polina Protensko
Jennifer Sova

object / item / material / me

object / item / material / me